Friday, August 27, 2010


Ok, since our vote of choices 3 months out about we continue with the order we have but, Nat, myself and Becky will bring our first 3 choices to the table at the September review??? And then following that, the person assigned for the 4 month out will bring their choice to the consecutive review and so forth.  Does that make sense?  So September's review will be House Rules (which is super great!!!, if you haven't read it yet, get on it!), October review will be Innocent Traitor, November review will be whatever Nat picks, December, is my pick and Jan is Becky's pick... Then in October, Andrea will bring her pick for February's review.  I also had one other thought which everyone can say yeah or nay too...We could make December a free read month, since its a hectic time of year, and basically our review for that month we could each  tell each other about the book we chose to read. Anyhow, just an option as we are still sorting this bookclub out. Let me know your thoughts! Thank you!


  1. sounds great to me! And yes, House Rules was so good! Totally reminded me of my work...minus the murder mystery part :)

  2. I think it all sounds good. Good idea to take Dec. off to give everyone a chance to catch up.

  3. Sound perfect! I also agree that House Rules was a good read!
