Saturday, May 29, 2010

Claire's Final Pick

Haunting of Hill House it is.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Claire's Pic

I thought about doing something more classic - since books like the Help are hard to come by.  I was thinking about the following but since they are classic everyone may have read them - give me your feedback:

Jane Erye
Alice in Wonderland
Turn of the Screw
The Haunting of Hill House

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Rain...wasn't The Help the May read? I think somehow we have gotten messed up from what you have listed on the side for picks..

May and June's reads

Andrea and Claire, can you guys post what books you chose? Andrea, not sure if everyone knew we were reading Snow Flower. Claire, can't wait to see what your pick is!!

What up

How are ya'll enjoyin The Help? Best book you've read this year? Definitely in my top 5. Have any of you started Snow Flower and the Secret Fan? I just finished, and for all of you who love Chinese historical fiction, you will love it! I also highly recommend Empress Orchid, Memoirs of a Geisha, and The Joy Luck Club if you do..I just might bust those out and read them again!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Review of Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis

Kecky says:
 Ok. I really liked the language of this book.  I thought it was surprisingly easy to understand even though it was written differently.  I don't think I've ever read a book written that way.  I liked how I understood what the expressions meant and thinking about the expression we would use.
 Obviously there is a ton of symbolism i.e. religion, faith, believing in something you can't see.  Psyche was such a good, sweet, believing little girl!
Rani says:
 Yes I agree, lots of metaphors, which made it interesting, I think its the type of book the more you think about everything, the better you like it.
Andrea says:
 I liked when she would say "said he, or said she" instead of she said. I did like Psyche the best of all.
Kecky says:
 Did she stay good the whole way through?
 did Orual ever believe?
Rani says:
 Yes, in the end she was traveling as the queen
Kecky says:
 psyche was?
Rani says:
 and came across someone
 no ORual
Kecky says:
Andrea says:
 Which she deserved
Kecky says:
 What do you guys think of how ruthless and sexist men could be? Even to their own daughters?
Rani says:
 anyhow a guy told her the story of the new god "cupid" etc
 sorry i'm behind
 anyhow, so she learned her sister ended up with  i can't remember his name, cause i read it so long ago
Andrea says:
 I really didn't like their dad
Rani says:
 but she could only see him for part of the year
Kecky says:
 her dad was evil
Rani says:
 I hated her dad
Kecky says:
 hated the king
 What about The Fox? Did you think he was cynical?
 did anyone ever end up loving orual? I feel bad she was ugly 
Rani says:
 Loved the Fox...was so glad Orual had him.  You know i wondered if the one guard kind of loved her too, although he was faithful to his wife.
 Maybe he just appreciated her
Andrea says:
 He was her saving grace, I liked him.
Kecky says:
 I'm so glad she had the Fox, just wondering if he was a cynical non-believer.  I thought the priest was bad.  I hat that he was right about the sacrifice
 or so far as i read..
Andrea says:
 Maybe she really wasn't ugly
Kecky says:
 true.  eye of the beholder
Rani says:
 I wondered how ugly she really was too
Kecky says:
 maybe just for the standards back then..
Rani says:
 Ya priest seemed evil, just wanted riches and power
Kecky says:
 Dang! I wish I would have finished before this convo!
 sorry.  I got it last week and was gone all weekend.
Rani says:
 I think Fox to extent was cynical. But he came from different background and beliefs.
Kecky says:
 But he WAS greek.  wouldn't a greek belive in the gods?
Andrea says:
  I think that is what I liked about him, he saw all sides
Kecky says:
 and maybe he didn't want the girls to believe certain things
Rani says:
 I know good point, but didn't he just believe in different gods too. I think like Andrea said he saw all sides. He was a scholar
Kecky says:
 I liked it.  Wasn't a huge page turner but that's ok.  Never read a book quite like it.
Andrea says:
 It was a nice change, made me think
Kecky says:
 Can't wait to read The HElp!
Rani says:
 Yes definitely makes you think. It was an interesting take on Greek Mythology for sure.
Kecky says:
 Andrea, sorry Rani was late and sorry I had to download messenger!
Rani says:
 I know me too!!!!
Andrea says:
 np, I am good
Kecky says:
 Ok.  I'll put our convo on the blog.  Les can add her comments tomorrow
 or should I say "today" for her
Rani says:
 ok sounds good right...either way.
Andrea says:
 that sounds good
Kecky says:
Rani says:
 Ok   you guys nighty night!
Andrea says:
 Goodnight, you will like The Help, happy reading
Rani says:
 yup so good!
Kecky says:
 bye bye
Rani says:
Andrea says:
Rani says:
   no there is les
Andrea says:
 i just saw too
Kecky says:
 uh oh..
  Leslie has been added to the conversation.
Kecky says:
 read above Les 
 what did you think of the book?
Leslie says:
 Hey, so sorry I somhow turned off my alarm.
Rani says:
 Well I give you props for waking up so early
Kecky says:
 you're fine. we were late
Leslie says:
 It is not showing up for some reason
Andrea says:
 I would have turned my alarm off too 
Kecky says:
 what time is it there?
Leslie says:
Kecky says:
Leslie says:
 What were you guys talking about?
Rani says:
 Les can't read about Becky
Kecky says:
Rani says:
 she just got signed in
Kecky says:
 just tell us what you thought Les
Leslie says:
 I liked the book but it was a little hard to get through.
Kecky says:
 Yea, not a page turner
Leslie says:
 Maybe not as smart as the rest of you but after I read a few character profiles on the internet it made it a lot easier
Andrea says:
 That is a good idea, I wish I would have done that
Becky says:
 good idea
Rani says:
 Ya it helps I did the same thing, I think the more you think about it and realize the more metaphors they used the more interesting it becomes
Becky says:
 Kind of some Narnia messages going on
 Christ, sacrifice, etc.
Rani says:
 Love, redemption and christian life message
 lol yup
Becky says:
 Les have you read The Help too? Are jess and I the only ones?
Andrea says:
 Yes he throws that into everything I think, I haven't read much of his stuff, but I have heard that
Leslie says:
 No, I am just starting it now. I just got it in the mail.
Becky says:
 oh good.  I'm buying it tomorrow.  I've heard SO many great things!

Discussion Questions For Tonight

Just a few..

1. What did you think of the language in the book and the way it was written? Was it hard for you to follow?

2. There is a theme of living by faith rather than living by sight. Psyche lives by faith. How is God asking you to live by faith right now rather than by sight?

3. Psyche has to give up her paradise in order to save and redeem Orual. This again parallels Christ. How are we called to enter into the suffering of Christ as we love others as ourselves?

4. The Fox offers "logical" explanations that he recognizes as weak in the end. How does he represent the world?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Tomorrow's Review

Who will be joining us tomorrow at 9:30 p.m. for the review of Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

This Month's Book

Okay, be honest. How many of you are reading or have finished the book? I know Nat didn't read it and I just got it in the mail 2 days ago (stupid Amazon!) so I won't be heart broken if other people are slacking. Let me know.