Thursday, July 8, 2010

Review Questions for Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

1. Why do you think women continued subjecting their daughters to foot-binding despite knowing firsthand the intense pain and risks? Do you think Lily's foot-binding experience improved her relationship with her mother?

2. Do you think Lily's betrayal was an understandable mistake? Did the way she treated Snow Flower change your opinion of her?

3. Does Lily make atonement with the way she treats Snow Flower's family after she dies?

4. What is the significance of nu shu? If some men in 19th-century China knew about nu shu and “old same” friendships, why do you think they allowed these traditions to persist?

5. Lily writes her story so that Snow Flower can read it in the afterworld. Do you think Snow Flower would have told the story differently?

6. In the story, we are told again and again that women are weak and worthless. But were they really? In what ways did Lily and Snow Flower show their strength and value?

7. What is your overall opinion and rating of the book?

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