Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Review of Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis

Kecky says:
 Ok. I really liked the language of this book.  I thought it was surprisingly easy to understand even though it was written differently.  I don't think I've ever read a book written that way.  I liked how I understood what the expressions meant and thinking about the expression we would use.
 Obviously there is a ton of symbolism i.e. religion, faith, believing in something you can't see.  Psyche was such a good, sweet, believing little girl!
Rani says:
 Yes I agree, lots of metaphors, which made it interesting, I think its the type of book the more you think about everything, the better you like it.
Andrea says:
 I liked when she would say "said he, or said she" instead of she said. I did like Psyche the best of all.
Kecky says:
 Did she stay good the whole way through?
 did Orual ever believe?
Rani says:
 Yes, in the end she was traveling as the queen
Kecky says:
 psyche was?
Rani says:
 and came across someone
 no ORual
Kecky says:
Andrea says:
 Which she deserved
Kecky says:
 What do you guys think of how ruthless and sexist men could be? Even to their own daughters?
Rani says:
 anyhow a guy told her the story of the new god "cupid" etc
 sorry i'm behind
 anyhow, so she learned her sister ended up with  i can't remember his name, cause i read it so long ago
Andrea says:
 I really didn't like their dad
Rani says:
 but she could only see him for part of the year
Kecky says:
 her dad was evil
Rani says:
 I hated her dad
Kecky says:
 hated the king
 What about The Fox? Did you think he was cynical?
 did anyone ever end up loving orual? I feel bad she was ugly 
Rani says:
 Loved the Fox...was so glad Orual had him.  You know i wondered if the one guard kind of loved her too, although he was faithful to his wife.
 Maybe he just appreciated her
Andrea says:
 He was her saving grace, I liked him.
Kecky says:
 I'm so glad she had the Fox, just wondering if he was a cynical non-believer.  I thought the priest was bad.  I hat that he was right about the sacrifice
 or so far as i read..
Andrea says:
 Maybe she really wasn't ugly
Kecky says:
 true.  eye of the beholder
Rani says:
 I wondered how ugly she really was too
Kecky says:
 maybe just for the standards back then..
Rani says:
 Ya priest seemed evil, just wanted riches and power
Kecky says:
 Dang! I wish I would have finished before this convo!
 sorry.  I got it last week and was gone all weekend.
Rani says:
 I think Fox to extent was cynical. But he came from different background and beliefs.
Kecky says:
 But he WAS greek.  wouldn't a greek belive in the gods?
Andrea says:
  I think that is what I liked about him, he saw all sides
Kecky says:
 and maybe he didn't want the girls to believe certain things
Rani says:
 I know good point, but didn't he just believe in different gods too. I think like Andrea said he saw all sides. He was a scholar
Kecky says:
 I liked it.  Wasn't a huge page turner but that's ok.  Never read a book quite like it.
Andrea says:
 It was a nice change, made me think
Kecky says:
 Can't wait to read The HElp!
Rani says:
 Yes definitely makes you think. It was an interesting take on Greek Mythology for sure.
Kecky says:
 Andrea, sorry Rani was late and sorry I had to download messenger!
Rani says:
 I know me too!!!!
Andrea says:
 np, I am good
Kecky says:
 Ok.  I'll put our convo on the blog.  Les can add her comments tomorrow
 or should I say "today" for her
Rani says:
 ok sounds good right...either way.
Andrea says:
 that sounds good
Kecky says:
Rani says:
 Ok   you guys nighty night!
Andrea says:
 Goodnight, you will like The Help, happy reading
Rani says:
 yup so good!
Kecky says:
 bye bye
Rani says:
Andrea says:
Rani says:
   no there is les
Andrea says:
 i just saw too
Kecky says:
 uh oh..
  Leslie has been added to the conversation.
Kecky says:
 read above Les 
 what did you think of the book?
Leslie says:
 Hey, so sorry I somhow turned off my alarm.
Rani says:
 Well I give you props for waking up so early
Kecky says:
 you're fine. we were late
Leslie says:
 It is not showing up for some reason
Andrea says:
 I would have turned my alarm off too 
Kecky says:
 what time is it there?
Leslie says:
Kecky says:
Leslie says:
 What were you guys talking about?
Rani says:
 Les can't read about Becky
Kecky says:
Rani says:
 she just got signed in
Kecky says:
 just tell us what you thought Les
Leslie says:
 I liked the book but it was a little hard to get through.
Kecky says:
 Yea, not a page turner
Leslie says:
 Maybe not as smart as the rest of you but after I read a few character profiles on the internet it made it a lot easier
Andrea says:
 That is a good idea, I wish I would have done that
Becky says:
 good idea
Rani says:
 Ya it helps I did the same thing, I think the more you think about it and realize the more metaphors they used the more interesting it becomes
Becky says:
 Kind of some Narnia messages going on
 Christ, sacrifice, etc.
Rani says:
 Love, redemption and christian life message
 lol yup
Becky says:
 Les have you read The Help too? Are jess and I the only ones?
Andrea says:
 Yes he throws that into everything I think, I haven't read much of his stuff, but I have heard that
Leslie says:
 No, I am just starting it now. I just got it in the mail.
Becky says:
 oh good.  I'm buying it tomorrow.  I've heard SO many great things!

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