Monday, March 1, 2010

Please Read

Ok so during a discussion between Natalie, Becky, Leslie and myself and everyone's new desire to read The Book Thief (apparently they didn't have that desire to read it, when I put it up for choices ;) Just kidding, love you guys! Anyhow, at a mere suggestion and please feel free to be honest and upfront with your feelings here...But it was suggested to possibly read The Book Thief instead of the Jeffery Archer book. So this would be the book we review in April. Anyhow, just a suggestion, so please tell us your thoughts. If anyone has already bought the Archer book, etc. We can forgo that I ever suggested it. Comments please. I would love to hear from everyone, because this would be a pretty major change, so I want to know everyone's feelings. Thanks so much!


  1. I have both books so I'll do either but I would prefer The Book Thief. I hadn't heard anything about it until yesterday (sorry Rani!) but I still voted for it anyway.

  2. One more thing...Rani, if you want us to read Archer that's fine. We don't want to get in a habit of someone "Not liking the chosen book" and wanting to read something else. The book voted for is the book we read! So it's your final decision Rani.

  3. I am halfway through the Archer book, but can't quite muster up the will power to finish. Sorry Rain! I just can't get into it. I am fine with switching to The Book Thief.

  4. Like I said in our facebook discussion, I'm fine either way. Quite honestly, had I read the Archer book beforehand I would not have suggested that particular one. To me it was an entertaining read, but not stellar. The Book Thief would make a much better discussion, although Archer's personal history makes a good discussion too. His personaly life completely intertwines with his writing, which I find interesting. To me, The Book Thief is such an endearing read, its a book you won't forget, and The Archer one is entertaining, but as Simon Cowell likes to say..."Forgetable."

  5. I have to agree, we don't want to make changing it a habit.

  6. I am good with changing to The Book Thief, I voted for that one. I haven't started the Archer one yet.

  7. I am fine with whatever, and I have not purchased either.

  8. Ok I think its official for the lets plan on reading The Book Thief for the April review, and vow that we don't do this again :) Ok with that being said, I don't think anyone will be disappointed, its such a great book. Also, reminder that there is only 23 hours left to vote, and we still have two people that have note voted :)

  9. Okay, so I didn't even vote and the poll is now closed! I am voting for Chelsea which breaks the tie and makes that our April read!
