Friday, October 15, 2010


Ok all...I have decided to go with one of my top 3 favorite books of all time...THE THORN BIRDS!! Hope you all love it as much as I do. Maybe when everyone is done we can all watch the mini series and discuss that too, I have 2 copies if anyone wants one! :) Rani and I talked, and we decided that we will read Thorn Birds until January. It's a long book, and things start getting crazy over the Holidays. Our book review will be the first or second week of January. Once we start again in January, there will be some new rules and changes to the book club. So far we noticed our members dwindling away, and people not showing up for their reviews! From here on out Rani and I may have to be the book I apologize in advance. We are serious about our club, and only want people that are totally committed and will participate each month.

Enjoy The Thorn Birds and see you all again in January!!
BTW, if you read any good books between now and then, please share! Les, I have one for you...The Rembrandt Affair. I read it on the flight home from Paris and it was set mostly in Paris and Amsterdam!! I loved it, soooo good! Made me wish we would have gone through The Rembrandt Museum in Amsterdam though. :(

And one last item on the agenda...Congrats to Andrea on the new baby!!! Can't wait to see pics, you should post some!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Nat, I just ordered it! I also just order The Rembrandt Affair but it might take a few months to get to that one. I am just reading the Forgotten Garden now! I don't know how you get through so many books.

    Thanks for being the book nazi. We are like kids we need structure and order.


