Saturday, March 13, 2010


Ok everyone, just a reminder that we will be reviewing Half Broke Horses this Sunday at 9 pm. I am kind of thinking about the best way to do this. I know a lot of us have MSN Instant Messenger. Those that don't, would you be interested in downloading it? Or does anyone else have any ideas as to any chat rooms we could get onto? I will have some questions about the book ready, and we can take as little or as much time as we want. Let me know your ideas...

Also, I want to apologize for all the mind-changing and confusion! Hopefully we have gotten all of the kinks out and things will run smoothly from here on out. We have decided to just have each person pick the book when it's their month, instead of voting and choosing. We will still continue with the vote for April's book, but will start the new system in May. Just make sure the book you are choosing is appropriate, stimulates a good discussion, and has received good reviews from critics.

Thanks everyone! I will post the final instructions for tomorrow night's chat by the morning, so leave me your comments and then check back here tomorrow.


  1. I have msn messenger and yahoo messenger...which I think would work because we could conference on either. Although, then the discussion wouldn't be on the blog, which would suck for those that aren't able to say anything at review time. I know Leslie will actually probably never be able to make our review time because I think that is in the middle of the night/ early morning in Paris. I am thinking you need to at least post your questions on the blog, and we can also post our main answers, as we all have email notification of the comments, but maybe if we want to do a combo of messenger/blog??? So that added discussion could take place on messenger??? Check out my friends online book discussion--- and here is review:

    We don't have to do exactly like them, but it seems to be working for them.

  2. When Les gets back we can ask her if there is a time that works :) See ya at 9!
